
I'm Sarah

Sarah Zwart's Headshot

About Me

Hi! Welcome to my portfolio website. I'm Sarah Zwart, a senior studying Computer Science at Lehigh University. I recently completed a year-long capstone project focused on developing an accessibility-based facility rating app, where I utilized React Native and TypeScript.

const school = {
  major: "Computer Science",
  minor: "Data Science",
  year: 4,
  pride: "Go Mountain Hawks! 🦅",
  favoriteClasses: ["AI Theory", "Capstone", "Web Development", "Databases"]
let interests = ["Running", "Coding", "Baking", "Cat Videos"];
let favoriteTech = ["Java","TypeScript", "React", "Next.js"];
let projects = ["Facility Accessibility App", "PlantPal", "Bank Database"]


Facility Accessibility App

Language: Typescript
Frontend Framework: Expo-React Native
About: A mobile app designed to help people with disabilities assess whether public facilities meet their accessibility needs. The app provides detailed ratings of facility accessibility, empowering users to make informed decisions about visiting locations that cater to their specific requirements. The project combines accessibility best practices and modern mobile development techniques to enhance the user experience.

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Database Banking System

Language: Java
Database: Oracle
About: A project developed in my Database Systems and Applications class that simulates a real-world banking system. The system allows for the creation of users, deposits, withdrawals, and transactions. It incorporates PL/SQL for stored procedures and complex queries, with a focus on database integrity and performance optimization. This project provided hands-on experience with database modeling, relational queries, and transaction handling.

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Plant Pal

Frontend: Vite + React, Javascript, Shadcn + Tailwind CSS, Axios, Google OAuth
Backend: Express Server
Database: ElephantSQL
APIs: Perenual Plant API, Google OAuth API
About: Plant Pal is an app that helps users manage their online garden by tracking when to water their plants. Users can log in via Google, add plants to their garden, and keep track of their watering status. Paid users receive personalized plant care tips to ensure their plants thrive.

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